Can Richard eat it all? Should he eat it all? Isn’t there something better he can do with his time?
A pretty girl plus some ugly pants equals a confrontation with pride.
See Richard. Richard sits…and sits…and sits while the clock ticks…and ticks…and ticks.
In the hands of young Aaron, the nativity figurines (especially the angel) are transformed into 1st century action figures. After Aaron’s mother gently guides him away from that activity, the story of Jesus comes to life in the manger and an unusual participant in the scene learns about the important role Mary played in the salvation of the world.
Being blind does not mean that you cannot see. Joey Lamperis was born without eyeballs, but has a passion and love for life and Jesus Christ that allows him to ‘see’ more clearly than many of us who have the physical ability to do so.
The Journey/El Camino - Series 3: Film 4 (Spanish)