Adàn meets an unexpected friend who helps him look at life with fresh meaning and purpose.
Jason was a diligent and impassioned atheist. If life had meaning, he had to create it. If love existed, he was the master of it. Then something happened. The God he didn’t believe in made himself known in a very human and intimate way – through the love of another.
As a teenager, Fr. Don Calloway lived a pretty rough life. He spent time in jail, got kicked-out of a foreign country, and went through drug rehab (twice). But God rocked his life and, in his own words, “smacked him across the face with a divine 2×4”. His story and experience of the Sacrament of Reconciliation shows just how persistent, patient, and powerful God is.
A handful of teens are in a chapel. They are praying, worshipping, adoring. See what’s moving them in such a powerful way.
Don Steven Tinkaboutit, Cupid, and a surprise guest talk about SEX with host Bob Rice on this episode of “The Faith Show.”
Follow three people who struggle with being content and come to resolution through the realization of their inherent worth and God-given blessings.
Sarah and Lucy are hanging out on the couch discussing life when Sarah makes a disturbing discovery.
Sempronis and Alexander, the Roman soldiers assigned to guard Jesus’ tomb, have a problem. The body is gone. What do they tell Pilate?
Meet Caroline and Jack, two kids who have battled illness and received strength through the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.
After an earthquake leveled his son’s school building, a father digs through the rubble for 38 straight hours, clinging to the hope that his boy is still alive.
In this contemporary re-enactment of Mark 2:1-12, we see the need for us to bring each other to Christ for forgiveness and healing.
Heaven. Hell. Purgatory. Particular Judgment. Final Judgment. What happens when we die?