It’s routine for us to talk about so many different things – movies, concerts, people, food, weather, but how often do we share the message of Jesus Christ with those around us?
This short film offers a brief overview of the seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church and the purpose each serves.
Fr. Joseph Espaillat says what we’re all thinking about the hold of sin in our lives. He doesn’t stop there, however. This film declares the truth that there is forgiveness of sin for the praise of God’s glory.
Josh uses some pretty typical excuses to reject his cousin Emma’s attempts to draw him back to Christ. But does he really believe those excuses?
Meet the Savilla family. For generations, Holy Trinity Church in Nitro, West Virgina has been their “home.” This charming community, like thousands of others around the world, is a very important part of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.
Through his outrageous humor, incomparable intellect, and stunning good looks, Chris Padgett shares some theological and practical insights about the mysterious third person of the Holy Trinity.
Heaven. Hell. Purgatory. Particular Judgment. Final Judgment. What happens when we die?
A recently ordained priest, a life-long Catholic, and a recent convert share about the power of the Eucharist.
A recently ordained priest, a life-long Catholic, and a recent convert share about the power of the Eucharist.
Sempronis and Alexander, the Roman soldiers assigned to guard Jesus’ tomb, have a problem. The body is gone. What do they tell Pilate?
Sempronis and Alexander, the Roman soldiers assigned to guard Jesus’ tomb, have a problem. The body is gone. What do they tell Pilate?