Tom and Amy McHaffie are raising a family of six children. Spend a few moments in the hustle and bustle of their day and see how God’s plan for their family requires an all-or-nothing trust in his goodness and provision.
Catholic comedian, Judy McDonald talks about laughter, God’s sense of humor, and following Jesus without losing your own sense of humor.
A joyful Dominican sister, Sr. Margaret, talks with great candor and wisdom about consecrated life. Her humor and sincerity will attract your teens’ attention and her love for the life to which God has called her will keep it.
Meet Fr. Christopher from Carmel, Indiana. From buying for Lord & Taylor in New York City, to purchasing an engagement ring for the woman he thought would become his bride, his journey to the priesthood was defined by a longing for the ultimate fulfillment that God had in store for him.
A deadly virus threatens to wipe out humanity. A young boy holds the key to humanity’s rescue. Watch as an impossible decision is made by the simple heart of a child.
What if one decision could change your life? What if that change could destroy you and everyone else it touched? Now what if God stepped in and brought something good out of that change? That's the true story of Dave Emigh, a young man who killed his best friend and two other innocent people when he made the decision to drink and drive.
Adán’s honesty and simplicity in the presence of God opens his heart to the Lord in a new way.
Adàn meets an unexpected friend who helps him look at life with fresh meaning and purpose.
Adán’s encounter with his friend helps him see that he is not alone. He is better able to face his circumstances with the hope that his mother prayed he would find.
Adán struggles to understand the inevitable loss of his mother. His prayers of desperation begin to draw him into an honest and simple search for God.
Sunday morning in the Perron household is often quite chaotic as the family prepares to attend Mass. On one particular Sunday, young Mackenzie Perron sees an opportunity to “rescue Jesus” from “great peril.”
After trying repeatedly to coax her 3 year-old daughter, Kelsey, to jump into a swimming pool, Bob Perron’s wife, Lisa, gets the “last laugh” as gravity offers a little assistance. In this vignette, Bob shares a very personal and miraculous story about trusting one’s life to God’s providence.