I fled him, down the nights and down the days. I fled him, down the arches of the years. I fled him, down the labyrinthine ways of my own mind and in the midst of tears. I hid from him…
Jenny is on trial for being a Catholic. The Prosecutor thinks he has a pretty easy case until Jenny’s delinquent Defense Attorney finally shows-up and presents a very compelling argument.
Jenny is on trial for being a Catholic. The Prosecutor thinks he has a pretty easy case until Jenny’s delinquent Defense Attorney finally shows-up and presents a very compelling argument.
Brothers Julio and Marvin become restless during the reading of the Passion, and begin slapping one another with their palms. Their mother is not amused. After a brief scolding, the two settle for a moment before they agree to a bet: who can shout “crucify him” the loudest. Once arranged, the younger of the brothers gets overwhelmed by the experience.
Take a look at what went into making Palm Sunday and the motivation behind it.
A young man awakens on a Sunday morning to discover that his family has turned into zombies. In a panic, he and a friend seek refuge in the one place they believe they will be safe: the town’s Catholic church. There they discover the truth about what they have encountered.
A young man awakens on a Sunday morning to discover that his family has turned into zombies. In a panic, he and a friend seek refuge in the one place they believe they will be safe: the town’s Catholic church. There they discover the truth about what they have encountered.
Six young adults – an improv actor, hispanic ministry coordinator, recording artist, foundation director, Spanish teacher, and voiceover actor – share their experiences of the pursuit of living a holy and virtuous life.
It’s active. It’s relevant. It’s persistent. Sharper than any two-edged sword. Can you hear it? Are you listening for it…to it?
Es activa. Es relevante. Es persistente. Más cortante que toda espada de dos filos. ¿No lo oyes? ¿Está usted escuchando para ello…a ella?