It’s time to come home. Home to the beauty and grace of the sacraments. Home to the beauty and grace of who God is. Home to the Mass, to the Church—because home is where your family is, and it’s where you belong. Come Be Fed.
In each of these short, reflective videos, regular Catholics like you talk about what brought them home after Covid. They know faith isn’t something we can do alone—and each of these Catholics experienced a deep longing to come together to open the Scriptures and break the Bread.
Does their longing remind you of your own? Do you miss Sunday? Watch these videos and learn why you CAN go home and be fed—and how you can kindle the fire of faith into full warmth once again!
Do you have questions about the Catholic faith? Do you want to know more about what it means to be Catholic? We know that coming home might not be easy—and that’s why we’re here to help.
Follow this link to Catholics Come Home—and welcome home!